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Together we can keep the faith alive

ACN will be touring around Australia & NZ with International Guests for our 2023 Witnesses of Faith Tour


Aid to the Church in Need will be welcoming 3 international guests later this year on the dates and locations below. 

The guests are: 

His Beatitude, Patriarch Joseph Absi of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church - Patriarch of Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and all the East


Mr Xavier Stephen Bisits, ACN Head of Projects, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt 


Sr Majella Dogonyaro OP, Dominican Sister, Northern Nigeria


  • They will be in Melbourne for Night of the Witnesses on Wednesday 22 November at St Patricks Cathedral. For more information on this event please visit
  • Brisbane on Friday 24 November, 6.30pm - 8.30pm, Australian Catholic University, Banyo Campus
  • Perth on Saturday 25 November, 4.00pm - 6.00pm, Aquinas College, Saltier Point
  • Auckland, New Zealand on Thursday 30 November, 7.00pm - 9.00pm, Cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph
  • Sydney on Saturday 2 December, 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Building 503, Level 3, Ryan Auditorium, Australian Catholic University, North Sydney. See map here.


Support Our Special Projects

Formation of six novices for the Dominican Sisters in Nigeria

With approximately 206 million inhabitants, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. Christians make up about half the population, but their situation could not be more deadly. Between January 2021 and June 2022 more than 7,600 Nigerian Christians were murdered. To put that in perspective, around the world about 30 Christian faithful are murdered for their faith every two days ... 27 of them are from Nigeria. This is by far the most dangerous country on earth for Christians.

Yet, vocations are strong and young women continue to come forward and answer the call to serve the Lord. The Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena has been in Nigeria since 1956 and they currently have 92 Sisters. The sisters are involved in education, healthcare and evangelisation.

The sisters recently approached Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) appealing for a grant of just under $6000 to assist with the formation and care of the six current young women in formation for the coming year. The ACN office in Australia and New Zealand has ‘adopted’ this project and we are appealing to you that we might show our love for these future brides of Christ with our spiritual and financial solicitude.


Support Nigerian Sisters

Gathering for 600 Young Melkite Catholics in Lebanon

The Greek Melkite Catholic Church is one of the vibrant Eastern Churches which make up the Christian face of the Middle East. Across the next twelve months the Church is also celebrating the 300th Jubilee of the Melkite Church’s union with the Church of Rome.

The situation for the Christians in the Middle East could not be more precarious. The ongoing wars and skirmishes, the direct persecution of Christians, and the increasingly unstable political and economic realities, mean that more Middle Eastern Christians now live abroad than in their home nations. As an example, before 2011 Syrian Christians numbered 1.5 million, now there are less than 300,000. Christians in Palestine have dropped from 15% to 2%. In the Middle East the overall population of Christians used to be about 20%; now it’s 5% and shrinking. 

The Holy Land and the greater Middle East are the very lands that gave birth to Christianity, they contain some of the holiest places on earth. 

The Churches of the Middle East want to do everything they can to support their people to stay in their homeland by providing real hope.

Support Melkite Catholics