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Together we can keep the faith alive

Create a Personal Campaign

Show your love for our Christian brothers and sisters by creating a fundraising campaign with friends, in your workplace, in your parish, at school. The possibilities are endless but here are just a few ideas.

Morning tea

A morning or afternoon tea in the workplace, the school staff room, or with the mothers group is easy. You could include a small raffle to raise funds! Be sure to show the short video describing our work and mission during the event 

Bake sale

A cake sale or ‘bake off’ is a great event for all ages. You can ask your parish, workplace, school or sports club to get involved. 

Casual clothes day

Invite the workplace or school to make a gold coin donation in return for a casual clothes day, or choose a distinctive colour such as red to show solidarity with those who suffer for faith.

Prayer vigil

Hold a time of prayer in your home or the local parish inviting family and friends to unite in prayer for our Christian brothers and sisters. We can supply some prayers and some recent stories which can be shared and provide a focus for prayer. 


Whatever you do make sure to take some photos so we can share them and encourage others to follow in your footsteps!