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Together we can keep the faith alive



Perhaps you were given the gift of faith as an infant. Perhaps you chose to embrace the faith as an adult. Whatever the story, we realise that our Catholic faith is an undeserved gift, carried to us by generations of men and women we will never know. The light of Christ was passed to them and they kept that light burning brightly until it came to us.

By considering Aid to the Church in Need in your Will, you will leave a lasting legacy of faith and extend to others the free gift of your own baptism. Your gift will assist us to keep the light shining brightly in a world which cries out for the love and peace that only Christ can offer.

Download our legacies pack Write a free online will here



Complete the form below

If you would like to:
  • Receive a copy of our legacy pack in the mail
  • Arrange a confidential discussion about leaving a legacy
  • Notify us of a legacy you plan to leave in your Will

The following information is optional, but it would be helpful to use in planning for the future.

My gift will be: