Formation of seminarians and priests
The continuing education of God’s servants is an important project area of ACN. Each year we support the training of thousands of seminarians and provide ongoing formation to many priests. The theological training and qualification of seminarians have always been an important focus of our aid. After all, these future priests will be the spiritual pillars of their communities, bringing people the sacraments. Therefore, our educational assistance mainly flows into countries where the suitable and continuous training of future priests is endangered due to poverty, war or persecution.
Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, we have been able to fund every eighth seminarian worldwide. We also sponsor the continuing education of thousands of priests who themselves will train the seminarians and thus maintain the qualitative level of priestly formation in their home countries.
In addition, we offer financial support to courses and retreats, through which priests can gather strength and grow in wisdom towards a daily renewal of their vocation.