In some parts of Africa, children who are born with disabilities are considered evil and often killed.
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A Catholic archbishop in northeast India, who has seen his diocese at the centre of a wave of deadly attacks, has issued an urgent appeal for prayers “to transform the minds of the people who are led by hatred and religious violence.”
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George Akroush is the director of the Project Development Office at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. In an interview with ACN, he speaks about the plans for renewing pastoral work among the Christians in the Holy Land.
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Tens of thousands of young people took part in a variety of ACN initiatives during World Youth Day in Lisbon (WYD).
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“You cross the Amazon jungle, climb 5,000 metres above sea level, in the Andes Mountains, you head into the desert. You are now in what Pope Francis calls ‘the land of saints’”, says Luis Vildoso, director of projects for ACN in Peru.
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The leader of Iraq’s largest Christian community has condemned a Presidential order overturning a decree which recognises him as Patriarch, calling the move “offensive” and the climax of a campaign to seize control of the Church’s assets.
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Almost exactly nine years after hundreds of thousands of Christians were forced to flee from their homes due to the occupation of their lands by ISIS, efforts continue to rebuild lives and infrastructure.
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Just over 60 young men are currently undergoing formation in the propaedeutic Abbot Kaumo seminary of Kasongo, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Interview with the new Ecclesiastical Assistant of Aid to the Church in Need.
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Bishop Matthew Kukah, 70, has led the Diocese of Sokoto in northern Nigeria since 2011. He is an outspoken critic of his country’s government for its failure to curb a culture of violence and protect Christians from deadly attacks.
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On July 24, His Excellency Jacques Mourad, Syriac Archbishop of Homs, in Syria, with the president & the director of ACN Italy, Sandra Sarti & Alessandro Monteduro, met with Alfredo Mantovano, Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Mi...
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Many of the Christians who lived in Sudan have fled the country or at least escaped the cities that are engulfed in violence, says a Spanish Comboni missionary who has worked for years in Sudan, in an interview with ACN.
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During the six days of World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, ACN will be carrying out a number of initiatives aimed at raising awareness of Christian persecution around the world and mobilising people to be active in defence of the suffering Church.
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A bishop from western Ukraine has told ACN about his struggle to help the 400,000 war-scarred people who have flooded into his region since Russia's full-scale invasion began, in February 2022.
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The Democratic Republic of the Congo has one of the liveliest Churches in Africa, with 4,602 priests ministering in 1,500 parishes and 11,000 religious supporting their pastoral and social work.
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Even leaders of the Hindu nationalist party are beginning to accuse the BJP of complicity in what has become a generalised attack on Christians. ACN continues to monitor the situation closely.
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With financial and logistical difficulties making it almost impossible for most Lebanese and Syrian Christians to go to Lisbon for WYD, local initiatives are underway to provide participants with as close an experience as possible.
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His Eminence Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch and the leader of the Chaldean Church, has publicly announced his decision to “withdraw from the patriarchal seat in Baghdad, and go to one of the monasteries in Iraqi Kurdistan."
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