PORTUGAL: ACN initiatives at WYD in Lisbon highlighting Christian persecution
News 27 Jul 2023
PORTUGAL: ACN initiatives at WYD in Lisbon highlighting Christian persecution

During the six days of World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, ACN will be carrying out a number of initiatives aimed at raising awareness of Christian persecution around the world and mobilising people to be active in defence of the suffering Church.

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Ukraine: Diocese providing vital aid to those traumatised by war
News 25 Jul 2023
Ukraine: Diocese providing vital aid to those traumatised by war

A bishop from western Ukraine has told ACN about his struggle to help the 400,000 war-scarred people who have flooded into his region since Russia's full-scale invasion began, in February 2022.

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DR Congo: LAY ACTIVISM – an essential feature of one of the liveliest Churches in Africa
News 25 Jul 2023
DR Congo: LAY ACTIVISM – an essential feature of one of the liveliest Churches in Africa

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has one of the liveliest Churches in Africa, with 4,602 priests ministering in 1,500 parishes and 11,000 religious supporting their pastoral and social work.

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India: Anti-Christian violence continues to rage in Manipur
News 20 Jul 2023
India: Anti-Christian violence continues to rage in Manipur

Even leaders of the Hindu nationalist party are beginning to accuse the BJP of complicity in what has become a generalised attack on Christians. ACN continues to monitor the situation closely.

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Iraq: The Bells Toll Again
News 19 Jul 2023
Iraq: The Bells Toll Again

Interview with Ehab and Athraa - A couple from Iraq

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ACN helps Syrian and Lebanese young people experience the joy of World Youth Day (WYD)
News 18 Jul 2023
ACN helps Syrian and Lebanese young people experience the joy of World Youth Day (WYD)

With financial and logistical difficulties making it almost impossible for most Lebanese and Syrian Christians to go to Lisbon for WYD, local initiatives are underway to provide participants with as close an experience as possible.

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Patriarch Sako leaves Baghdad in response to Iraqi president
News 17 Jul 2023
Patriarch Sako leaves Baghdad in response to Iraqi president

His Eminence Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch and the leader of the Chaldean Church, has publicly announced his decision to “withdraw from the patriarchal seat in Baghdad, and go to one of the monasteries in Iraqi Kurdistan."

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Pakistan - Tabitha: My new life
News 14 Jul 2023
Pakistan - Tabitha: My new life

Christian nurse tells of escape from her torturers.

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Ukraine: Donetsk bishop confirms kidnapped priests still missing
News 13 Jul 2023
Ukraine: Donetsk bishop confirms kidnapped priests still missing

The Auxiliary Bishop of the Exarchate of Donetsk, Maksym Ryabukha SDB, travels around to visit each and every person in his war-torn diocese. He asks for prayers, especially those whom he is unable to meet in person due to occupation or kidnapping.

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ACN increases aid for children and young people in crisis countries
News 10 Jul 2023
ACN increases aid for children and young people in crisis countries

This summer ACN will support almost 400 camps and gatherings. Most of this financial assistance will go to Lebanon and Syria.

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Kherson: A story of resistance against fear and despair
News 06 Jul 2023
Kherson: A story of resistance against fear and despair

Russian troops occupied the city of Kherson, in southern Ukraine, at the beginning of March 2022. Nine months later a Ukrainian counteroffensive forced the Russians to retreat from the region of Kherson in early November.

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Looking for leaders to help rebuild the Church in Iraq
News 04 Jul 2023
Looking for leaders to help rebuild the Church in Iraq

A gathering of almost two thousand young Christians in Iraq provides hope for the future and encourages the new generations to stay and invest in their country and in their community. ACN helped make this project a reality.

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Cameroon: A new cathedral for the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo
News 03 Jul 2023
Cameroon: A new cathedral for the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo

8 July will see the consecration of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, in the city of Maroua, northern Cameroon. This step will conclude the nine-year construction project in the heart of the Maroua-Mokolo Diocese.

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Myanmar: ACN calls for prayers for new bishop in Kayah state
News 28 Jun 2023
Myanmar: ACN calls for prayers for new bishop in Kayah state

International foundation ACN calls for prayers on the occasion of the episcopal ordination, on 29 June, Feast of Sts Peter and Paul, of Mgr. Celso Ba Shwe as bishop of Loikaw, capital of the state of Kayah, in Myanmar.

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DRC: The Church at the bottom of a mine
News 27 Jun 2023
DRC: The Church at the bottom of a mine

Despite the extreme poverty of its population, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the main suppliers of rare minerals in the world. The Church is committed to ensuring that miners are treated more fairly.

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India: Government sponsored Hindu nationalism at root of interreligious clashes in Manipur
News 22 Jun 2023
India: Government sponsored Hindu nationalism at root of interreligious clashes in Manipur

Local Church sources have little doubt that the clashes that have pitched Hindus against Christians in the state of Manipur are part of a wider agenda to encourage the Hindu base to vote for the ruling BJP party in upcoming elections.

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DRC: May the government take on its responsibilities!
News 16 Jun 2023
DRC: May the government take on its responsibilities!

In an uncompromising statement, the bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Bukavu, in the far east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), denounce the failure of the government to face up to the challenges with which it is confronted.

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Nigerian Catholics shocked by public admission of religious discrimination in Kaduna
News 15 Jun 2023
Nigerian Catholics shocked by public admission of religious discrimination in Kaduna

In a video, the former governor of Kaduna state admits that his party benefits Muslim communities and does not need the Christian vote. Angered by this stance, Catholic priests have demanded that the current governor distance himself from his predecessor.

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