Mirror 5 of 2020 11 Aug 2020

Need, love and thanks - Your Letters

Messages from our Benefactors around the world

A little gesture of thanks to ACN

The enclosed banknote was sent to us anonymously. We would like to pass it on to you for your work in Syria. In the past, Father Werenfried helped us to build our convent. So this is a little gesture of thanks to ACN.

A religious Sister in Germany.

For my persecuted fellow Christians

Thank you for your kind words to me as a supporter. But that is not the reason why I am donating. I think it is a wonderful thing when people help one another – and especially other Christians, who belong to the most persecuted religion in the world today – as was the case in the past as well. Nor is there any reason for complacency in our country either, for here too Christians, and above all Catholics, are discriminated against, albeit in more subtle ways. Jesus told us that those who believe in him would be persecuted… May God bless your work!  A supporter in Slovakia.

Love, the key to everything

“Love has explained everything to me” (Saint John Paul II). I think this phrase is exceedingly relevant to your wonderful organisation, which is a work of total love for all people, and I am proud to be able to help. Thank you for all your hard work! A supporter in Brazil
Thanks for your prayers Thank you so much for your kind wishes on my birthday. And above all for the prayers you have promised me on this day, for which I am always especially grateful.

A supporter in Austria.

United with other suffering Christians

These are hard, devastating times we live in. We can’t attend Mass or receive Jesus in the Eucharist, as well as no Reconciliation. But this unites us in a way with all those Christians who have no access to these means. […] May we learn to trust in God and that He will deliver us.

A benefactress in Australia.

To read the entire Mirror 5 publication click here.

The Mass is the most effective prayer that could be said on behalf of those who have died. ACN can arrange recurring annual Masses for your dearly departed loved ones.
Mirror 8 of 2020 19 Nov 2020
National Director's Message
Mirror 8 of 2020 13 Nov 2020
Need, love and thanks − your letters

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