Mirror 7 of 2020 28 Sep 2020

Need, love and thanks − your letters

Messages from our Benefactors around the world

All I can do is pray and help

I don’t know how many more donations I can send – but to read reports of such awful treatment of Christians and the desecration of sacred statues and churches, it just leaves me cold – all I can do is pray and help when I can.

A benefactress in Australia

Saving bottle deposits for ACN

When we go out for a walk we often find deposit bottles. We decided to return the bottles and give the money we collected to a charity. After five years of collecting, the time has now come to find a cause. Last weekend we visited our parents and found your “Mirror” magazine there. We read it and were very impressed, so we want to give the money we have saved to your organisation.

A couple in the Netherlands

Thank you for your tireless work

Many thanks for your tireless work and for the way in which you are supporting so many Christians in the East who are being persecuted, and for drawing attention to their plight. May God continue to shower his love and blessings on your work.

A supporter in Germany

A salute to all priests

Please thank all the priests around the world for responding to their vocation. I want them to know that we really need them and that we always pray for them.

A benefactor in Mexico

Hope and dignity for those in need

We want to say how much we admire the wonderful work you are doing, and we pray that the Lord may bless it with strength and wisdom, so that you will continue to bring fresh hope and dignity to the lives of those in need. We are happy to play our part by supporting you.

A married couple in Belgium

The Mass is the most effective prayer that could be said on behalf of those who have died. ACN can arrange recurring annual Masses for your dearly departed loved ones.
Mirror 8 of 2020 19 Nov 2020
National Director's Message
Mirror 8 of 2020 13 Nov 2020
Need, love and thanks − your letters

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