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Together we can keep the faith alive

Our Work / Key Projects

Since its foundation in 1947, Aid to the Church in Need has developed into an organisation with a broad range of tasks. Our name says it all, where the Church is in need, we are there. We now support some 5,000 Catholic projects each year in nearly 150 countries – many of these over the long term. Whether we are building convents, supporting seminarians, training catechists or providing emergency relief, our motivation is the same, we seek to keep the faith alive where it is most at risk. Today our work falls into nine project areas.

Our Story / The Organisation

Our Story

From its inception, the Catholic Church has provided for those in need. As part of her mandate to bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ, the Church is deeply committed to social assistance, education and healthcare.

What many do not know though, is that the Church herself often requires urgent help in countries affected by displacement or catastrophe. In addition, more than 200 million Christians cannot freely exercise their faith, they suffer persecution and oppression or their love of Christ.

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