The Mirror (ACN's newsletter) 19 May 2020

The New Evangelisation Mercy, according to the Heart of Jesus

Evangelisation is the primary mission of the Church. The history of the Church is essentially a story of evangelisation.” This statement – by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1979 to the Latin American bishops in Puebla, Mexico –reflects the view of all the popes of the modern era. 

Since then, the countries of Latin America have drawn up a succession of new plans and ideas for evangelisation, at the heart of which there is always the encounter with Christ. In the apostolic vicariate of Nuflo de Chavez in Bolivia they have drawn up an ambitious five-year programme for cate-chists to “proclaim the mercy of the Church according to the Heart of Jesus” and so strengthen the spirit of Christian commu-nity. At the same time the vicariate’s pas-toral commission has devised a Bible course. It has attractively illustrated materi-als in order to appeal to people without basic education, especially in rural areas. The programme includes regular meetings and days of reflection. But prayer is also central, as without prayer, nothing will suc-ceed. We are helping with AUD$16,600. 

In Peru the prelature of Chuquibambilla has produced a simple handbook for families as part of their programme of ongoing formation for catechists. It explains how to read the Bible (i.e. in silence with hearts open to what God is saying to us through the text), and how not to read it (like a newspaper, or a horoscope, or indeed an intellectual puzzle to be solved). It contains practical tips for Christians, and an informative and useful introduction to the Bible to help deepen their faith – the new evangelisation! We are supporting the entire programme of this cash-strapped prelature, high up in the Andes, with AUD$27,300.

The Mass is the most effective prayer that could be said on behalf of those who have died. ACN can arrange recurring annual Masses for your dearly departed loved ones.
Mirror 8 of 2020 19 Nov 2020
National Director's Message
Mirror 8 of 2020 13 Nov 2020
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