Nigeria: It is like we have been left to perish because of our faith
News 18 Sep 2020
Nigeria: It is like we have been left to perish because of our faith

The Bishop of Kaduna declares that 'dark clouds of violence have enveloped our land'

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Barring a miracle, we’re going to have to abandon Cuba
News 18 Sep 2020
Barring a miracle, we’re going to have to abandon Cuba

Our brothers and sisters in Cuba are struggling with poverty after the hurricane that hit in 2019

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Chad: "I am a child of the war"
News 15 Sep 2020
Chad: "I am a child of the war"

Interview with Fr. Léandre Mbaydeyo

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Lebanon in Crisis: “We need a miracle”
News 11 Sep 2020
Lebanon in Crisis: “We need a miracle”

These people are asking for the least of their rights – they are asking for food!

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Media Release - Asia Bibi
Uncategorised 10 Sep 2020
Media Release - Asia Bibi

Media Release on Asia Bibi

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Beirut: We will not abandon you
News 07 Sep 2020
Beirut: We will not abandon you

ACN is preparing a second wave of help for Beirut amid growing fears that last month’s explosion could spark an exodus of Christians from Lebanon.

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Belarus: ACN to participate in the call for prayer issued by the Catholic Metropolitan of Minsk-Mohilev
News 07 Sep 2020
Belarus: ACN to participate in the call for prayer issued by the Catholic Metropolitan of Minsk-Mohilev

Archbishop Kondrusievicz has since been refused re-entry into Belarus and unknown persons have changed the locks of a Catholic church in Minsk.  

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Through the eyes of the Gospel
Mirror 6 of 2020 04 Sep 2020
Through the eyes of the Gospel

“The Church journeys along the roads of history together with all of humanity.”

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Christ, a programme for life
Mirror 6 of 2020 04 Sep 2020
Christ, a programme for life

Youth Apostolate:

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Responsible parenthood in Africa
Mirror 6 of 2020 03 Sep 2020
Responsible parenthood in Africa

“Indeed, the grace of the sacrament of marriage is intended before all else to perfect the couple’s love”, writes Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia(No. 89), and to this end, “Training in the areas of emotion and instinct is necessary” (148).

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A Pakistani Catholic released after five years in prison for murder he didn't commit, tells his story
News 02 Sep 2020
A Pakistani Catholic released after five years in prison for murder he didn't commit, tells his story

Amjad Arif tells ACN about his sufferings after being unjustly arrested in 2015.

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“We need a ‘climate change’ in matters of religious freedom”
News 02 Sep 2020
“We need a ‘climate change’ in matters of religious freedom”

Interview with Ján Figel’, the former EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU:

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National Director's Message
Mirror 6 of 2020 01 Sep 2020
National Director's Message

A Message from Mr Bernard Toutounji

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Fr Martin Barta's Message - Mirror 6 2020
Mirror 6 of 2020 01 Sep 2020
Fr Martin Barta's Message - Mirror 6 2020

Dear Friends,

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Thomas Heine-Geldern Message
Mirror 6 of 2020 01 Sep 2020
Thomas Heine-Geldern Message

Dear Friends,

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Need, love and thanks - Your Letters
Mirror 6 of 2020 01 Sep 2020
Need, love and thanks - Your Letters

Messages from our Benefactors around the world

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A Catholic guide and prayer book
Mirror 6 of 2020 01 Sep 2020
A Catholic guide and prayer book

At last, the long-awaited little “Prayer Book and Guide to the Christian Life for Catholics” is ready for the faithful of the Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brazil.

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