As COVID-19 strikes Zimbabwe hard again, ACN reaches out to ease the struggle of pastoral workers
News 07 Jul 2021
As COVID-19 strikes Zimbabwe hard again, ACN reaches out to ease the struggle of pastoral workers

Zimbabwe's recent re-imposition of a lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has focused global attention once again on this distressed country.

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The death of Father Stan Swamy, SJ
News 07 Jul 2021
The death of Father Stan Swamy, SJ

“His fate should be a wake-up call for the international community.”

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NIGER: Jihadist attack on Christians in Tillaberi
News 05 Jul 2021
NIGER: Jihadist attack on Christians in Tillaberi

The international pontifical foundation ACN has received news of a jihadist attack on Fantio and Dolbel, two towns in the Tillabéri region, in southwestern Niger.

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The Holy Family Nursery – sowing happiness and hope among the Christian community in Iraq
News 05 Jul 2021
The Holy Family Nursery – sowing happiness and hope among the Christian community in Iraq

How ACN is backing the family and the future of the children of Baghdeda (Qaraqosh).

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Ahead of historic meeting with the Pope in Rome: the Middle East’s largest Christian community is in peril
News 30 Jun 2021
Ahead of historic meeting with the Pope in Rome: the Middle East’s largest Christian community is in peril

The economic and political crisis in Lebanon, home to the Middle East’s largest Christian community, has deepened ahead of a historic July 1 meeting between Pope Francis and Christian leaders from the country.

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MOZAMBIQUE: catechist risks his life to save a parish “treasure” in Palma during the terrorist attack
News 30 Jun 2021
MOZAMBIQUE: catechist risks his life to save a parish “treasure” in Palma during the terrorist attack

Today ACN is able to tell the inspiring story of this courageous Mozambican catechist.

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Young Christian women in Pakistan facing discrimination, social exclusion and poverty
News 28 Jun 2021
Young Christian women in Pakistan facing discrimination, social exclusion and poverty

An ACN programme is giving them new hope and equipping them to fight for a better future.

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Middle East: “Peace comes directly out of the heart of Jesus”
News 25 Jun 2021
Middle East: “Peace comes directly out of the heart of Jesus”

The Maronite Archbishop Chucrallah-Nabil El-Hage is involved in the prayer initiative “Peace Day for the East,” which will bring together all of the Middle East beginning on Sunday 27 June. In an interview with the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church...

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“May God heal the wounds of the Middle East!”
News 25 Jun 2021
“May God heal the wounds of the Middle East!”

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN International) welcomes the Day of Peace for the Middle East.

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Bringing Christ to remote rural communities in Ghana
News 24 Jun 2021
Bringing Christ to remote rural communities in Ghana

Mission accomplished – a pickup truck for the Capuchin missionaries in Kpassa.

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LEBANON: ACN helps historic church reopen
News 24 Jun 2021
LEBANON: ACN helps historic church reopen

A historic Lebanese church, that sustained severe damage in August 2020’s devastating blast, is on track to reopen in July 2021, thanks to help from ACN.

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Nigeria, the most populous country on the African continent, is at war
News 22 Jun 2021
Nigeria, the most populous country on the African continent, is at war

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) project partners denounce war conditions and inaction by the Nigerian government.

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Burkina Faso: Horror-stricken after massacre
News 22 Jun 2021
Burkina Faso: Horror-stricken after massacre

Among the victims in the aftermath of the bloodiest terrorist attack since Islamist violence began are also Christians.

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MOZAMBIQUE: Catholic priest denounces abduction of “hundreds” of children by jihadists – boys to be forced to become child fighters, and girls to be abused as “child brides”
News 11 Jun 2021
MOZAMBIQUE: Catholic priest denounces abduction of “hundreds” of children by jihadists – boys to be forced to become child fighters, and girls to be abused as “child brides”

“They are wounds that will be difficult to heal”, says Father Kwiriwi Fonseca of the diocese of Pemba in northern Mozambique.

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How ACN is helping in Mozambique: Radios bringing hope to those living in fear of terrorism
News 10 Jun 2021
How ACN is helping in Mozambique: Radios bringing hope to those living in fear of terrorism

News of burned out villages and barbarous beheadings of individuals has become commonplace in this region.

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Aid to the Church in Need holds its first “Benefactors’ Day”
News 11 Jun 2021
Aid to the Church in Need holds its first “Benefactors’ Day”

On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Masses will be celebrated throughout the world for our benefactors.

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“Lebanon needs our prayers and our solidarity more urgently than ever”
News 04 Jun 2021
“Lebanon needs our prayers and our solidarity more urgently than ever”

ACN welcomes the announcement of an emergency meeting in the Vatican.

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Gratitude for 28 years serving the Church in Africa
News 01 Jun 2021
Gratitude for 28 years serving the Church in Africa

Christine du Coudray retires after 28 years at ACN International as head of project department for Africa.

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